This work reflects my strong interest in drawing. Using hot glue and light I have created large translucent flexible panels of interlaced lines referencing Mughal Architecture from India. These glue panels are pinned onto the wall and ‘light’ is used as a ‘material’ in itself. An important aspect of this work is its temporality not only in terms of its medium, but also the display space. Depending upon the space, changes are possible with every display. I tend to give thought to chance when it comes to displaying the work in different spaces – ultimately which also offers me a continuum across time.
I have primarily been experimenting with the material ‘Hot Glue’ (an adhesive commonly used in crafts), creating translucent flexible panels of interlaced lines, and using ‘light’ as a ‘material’ in itself. These works resemble intricate web-like surfaces, delineating deeper spaces with shallower ones (often alike the motifs evident in traditional arts such as Mughal Architecture and certain Indian Folk Arts and Crafts). These glue panels, (which are flat long surfaces like textile material) are pinned onto the wall creating a voluminous reading and a relief wherein is the possibility of looking at shadows as drawing. Light is used as a material that not only creates the drawing- but also adds to the overall visual effect by highlighting the qualities of ‘hot glue’ such as -reflectibility, refractibility, shine, opacity, translucence- all within one whole (and within the basic parameters of working with ‘white on white’).
An important aspect of my work is its temporality not only in terms of its medium, but also the display space. Depending upon the exhibition space, changes are possible with every display. I tend to give thought to chance when it comes to displaying the work in different spaces – ultimately which also offers me a kind of continuum across time. This I feel creates more scope for regarding composition itself as a continuously changing attribute of the work.